Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis

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Dr. Pradyumna R carefully evaluate your conditions and symptoms associated to your elbow pain and injuries, based on the diagnostic report and scan he would suggest if so, you are a candidate for Viscosupplementation treatment for Elbow Arthritis, he is an highly experienced elbow pain treatment specialist provides diagnosis as well as surgical and nonsurgical treatment options at Bangalore Orthopaedic Clinic, in BTM Layout, Bangalore.

If you have any queries or would like to schedule an appointment for Viscosupplementation treatment for Elbow Arthritis or elbow pain treatment consultation please call +919113025188.

What is Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis?

Viscosupplementation is a medical procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid, a gel-like fluid, directly into the affected joint. The injection goes into effect by lubricating the joint and assisting the synovial fluid to create more cushion. This works to reduce pain and improve the range of motion or mobility of the joint.

Viscosupplementation is a non-surgical procedure for arthritic joints of the extremities, this injection reduces pain and improves function. Viscosupplementation is commonly used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee and a variety of other joints, including elbow arthritis.

Who is eligible for Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis?

Viscosupplementation is a treatment that's used to help reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling due to osteoarthritis. It can temporarily improve symptoms of the disease. If you have mild or moderate symptoms and are trying to delay surgery on your joint, viscosupplementation might be an excellent solution for you.

Hyaluronic acid injection is not a treatment choice for arthritis in all types of joints. It can be used in the knee joint but will also work well in other joints as well, including your elbow.

Tests and Diagnosis for Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis

If you have osteoarthritis of the elbow and if previous treatments have caused insufficient pain relief or cartilage damage, viscosupplementation injections may be recommended. Viscosupplementation can help regenerate articular cartilage and treat osteoarthritis and arthritic pain.

Procedure Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis

Viscosupplementation is a procedure involving the injection of hyaluronic acid into the joints. This thick fluid may help reduce pain and swelling associated with osteoarthritis of knee. Bones that make up your joints have a cap of cartilage on their ends. Cartilage helps make sure that your bones move smoothly against each other. Cartilage has a fluid coating that contains hyaluronic acid which works like a lubricant and shock absorber in your joint.

A patient can receive this injection to recover the rheological properties of the synovial fluid, achieve analgesia after surgery or injury, improve function in osteoarthritis and regenerate damaged knee cartilage.The procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid into 2-5 sites over a period of 5-10 minutes, depending on the area of treatment. The joint (knee) is then taped to restrict outflow.

You shouldn’t expect this to reduce your pain right away. After the full course of treatment, though, you may notice some pain relief.

Precautions Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis

You will experience mild pain, swelling and soreness at the site of the injection. Your doctor may prescribe medication to control your pain. If you have questions about your pain or medications, talk with one of our nurses to make sure you are comfortable.

Your doctor may recommend you take precautions during your first few days following Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis. You will likely experience less pain and swelling in your affected joint within a few weeks of treatment and relief is normally complete within three months. Benefits from the injections are temporary, lasting on average six months.

What are the risks & complications?

There are very small risks of syringes include: some bleeding, a small skin reaction, localized pain and discomfort, possible spread of infection if you have an active sore, and a failure to be helped by the treatment.

Tell your health care provider if you have any of these problems. Your risks may vary depending on your medical history or if other medicines are being used.

What are the Advantages of Viscosupplementation for Elbow Arthritis?

Improve Comfort: Joint pain can make the little things we used to take for granted a major chore.

Crouching can become so painful, that even the simple task of picking dropped keys off the floor becomes a hassle. It can limit how often someone may want to walk up a set of stairs and make them more likely to avoid participating in physical activities, like playing with their grandkids or going on a hike. By getting joint pain under control, it can help restore a sense of normalcy to

daily life. A joint that’s working well can liberate patients to just enjoy their lives without having to hesitate as much as they used to.

Health Benefits: However, painful joints can make exercise difficult. This can lead to the joint symptoms getting worse, and could lead to weight gain. Weight gain could put more pressure on the joints. The patient may then find themselves avoiding exercise to avoid pain, but ultimately ending up in more pain than before by avoiding exercise.

No Surgery: Viscosupplementation injections are minimally invasive and don’t require surgery, which can be a desirable option among those who don’t want to endure a lengthy recovery period.

Fast Treatment: Viscosupplementation is a painless, non-surgical procedure that treats inflammatory arthritis of the elbow. The injection is so easy to perform that most patients can be treated at our office in less than 20 minutes. That’s an important benefit for you because it gives you more time to focus on other parts of your life.

For more information on Viscosupplementation treatment for Elbow Arthritis, or Elbow Arthritis, or osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis or treatment of fractures or elbow injury diagnosis and treatment options available, please call +919113025188. Dr. Pradyumna R, elbow specialist serving BTM Layout, Bangalore City.

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