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How to keep bones strong and healthy?
The bones are the basic structure of our body. These bones help to anchor the muscles to keep them in proper shape and help in locomotion. Without bones, the human body could have been a mass of muscles. Ligaments connect bones at different joints. So, the bones and the joints maintain the structure and function of our body.
An adult human body has 206 bones. These bones are the storehouse for many vital minerals. About 99% of our body has calcium, and 85% phosphorus is present in our bones. Other minerals like magnesium, copper, iron, boron, zinc, and potassium are also present in lesser amounts.
What are the common diseases we might face with age?
Bone care is very crucial for our body. Bone formation takes place for the first three decades of our life, and around the age of 30, it attains its peak bone mass. But after the age of thirty, the bone formation slows down. More bone cells are damaged than recovered. So, it is vital to take proper care of our bones from a young age.
Some of the bone diseases found in young individuals are Brittle bone diseases, vitamin D disorder, rickets, juvenile osteoporosis. Older people are more likely to suffer from Osteoporosis, Osteopetrosis, Paget's diseases, Osteoarthritis, or Rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
How can you keep your bones strong?
There is no perfect time to start taking care of your bones, right now is the best time. If you are searching for guidelines to keep your bones healthy and strong, then you are at the right place.
Here are some guidelines to be followed to take good care of your bones.
Eat Calcium-rich food: Choose calcium-rich food as bones are composed of calcium. Dairy products like milk, curd, yoghurt, paneer, cheese, and so on. Fortified soy, almond and rice milk, green leafy vegetables like spinach, okra, curly kale. Fortified orange juice, canned pink salmon with bone, and beans are foods rich in calcium.
Intake more vitamin and mineral-rich food, take a proper amount of calcium, exercise regularly and avoid smoking and drinking. Do ensure to follow the simple guidelines mentioned so that your bones remain strong and healthy as you age. Create a routine and stick to it.