Elbow Pain Treatments & Procedures
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Wondering which surgical procedure is best for
Let us help. Bangalore Orthopaedic Clinic
specializes in elbow pain treatment and procedures.
Not only do we use the latest technology, but our
highly-trained specialist has extensive experience
performing these procedures, with over 10+ years in
the field.
Different Types of Surgery for Elbow Pain
Understanding Elbow Joint
The elbow joint is a synovial joint found in the upper limb between the arm and the forearm. It is the point of articulation of three bones: the humerus of the arm and the radius and the ulna of the forearm.
The elbow joint is classified structurally as a synovial joint. It is also classified structurally as a compound joint, as there are two articulations in the joint. Synovial joints, also called diarthroses, are free movable joints.
The articular surfaces at these joints are separated from each other by a layer of hyaline cartilage. Smooth movement at these joints is provided by a highly viscous synovial fluid that acts as a lubricant.